Automate error-proofing for assembly processes

Instantly eliminate human error across the shop floor.

Error-proof assembly operations with PICO

Robust in capabilities

Error-proofing that is accessible to factories of all sizes and easily implemented using the tools and people already available on your shop floor.

Eliminate the guesswork

Install easy-to-follow digital worker guidance at every workstation so that operators have access to clear step-by-step instructions as they build. PICO worker guidance can be as interactive as the individual operator needs, and displays text, images, and supporting content to guide them through an error-proofed assembly.

2 operators at Winston Industries follow PICO’s operator guidance for complex assembly.

Stop mistakes before they happen

PICO integrates with 200+ shop floor devices to configure tool settings, and to measure and record tool action results. Connecting your tools prevents operators from advancing through the process if a step is incomplete or incorrect, mitigating the risk of scrap and rework.

Operator uses connected tool to error-proof assembly

Error-proofing that’s quick and easy to set up — without headaches

< 30 Minutes

Create a full set of work instructions

< 1 Hour

Connect a shop floor tool with the work instructions

< 2 Weeks

Integrate PICO with your ERP system

< Months

See payback in a matter of months, not years

HJI Supply Chain Solutions error-proofs their factory with PICO

"PICO is the perfect trainer. It helps us create perfect products."

Manufacturers trust PICO to automatically catch and prevent errors so that operators can focus on what they do best -- assembling.

Find out how one automotive supplier used PICO to produce almost 2,000 parts free of defects, earning them a milestone contract with a Tier 1 auto OEM.


Maurice Stallard

Director of Engineering & Manufacturing

HJI Supply Chain Solutions

See error-proofing in action

Learn more about error-proofing

Explore our resources to see all the ways error-proofing enhances factory operations.


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